Online dating is different from conventional dating. Conventional dating allows face-to-face communication with potential partners. Online dating, on the other hand, allows prescreening possible potential partners based on their height, weight, and age. Online dating has radically altered the field of dating since it started 15 to 20 years ago. These sites use a series of various algorithms to match people based on the basic questions of height, weight, and age. In order to find the best potential partners Tyler said, he is ready to lie about his physical appearances and his beliefs. According to the current research conducted by Pew Research Center, about 15% of all Americans have used some form of online dating sites, which was 11% at the beginning of the year (Hailey Online Dating). People will often point out their loneliness to be the main reasons for online dating. However, research shows that even committed people are involved in various sites of online dating. The wish of people to find a better match in an easier and efficient way i.e. through one click and so on eventually increases the number of people involved in online dating.
Love was more often considered as something that cannot be understood scientifically. However, psychological researchers Hatfield and Berscheid proved to many researchers that the scientific and psychological study of love is indeed possible (Psychology of Love). Online dating has radically altered the field of dating since its beginning 15 to 20 years ago. Online dating has grown into a billion dollars industry. These online dating apps are spending a lot of money to attract people. According to Karin Sternberg, about 80 percent of online daters reported inaccurate information. Sternberg points out that most of the time men overstate their height and women report a weight that is less than their true weight (Psychology of Love). But, why do people spend more than five hours a week on online dating even when they know most of the information provided in the profile of the potential partner might be inaccurate? The desire to get involved in physical or online dating is based on the reward system. When people are involved in the activities like viewing a picture of a romantic partner, neurons in the reward system release chemicals in the brain which reduces the pain (Younger et al. Viewing Pictures). In a scientific study conducted by Younger and his friends, between the individuals who performed tasks under moderate and high thermal pain, subjects were placed under fMRI. Then, half of the individuals were shown the picture of their romantic partner whereas the other half were asked to perform the distraction tasks. The conclusion was based on increased or decreased brain activity. Their findings revealed that the partner and the distraction tasks both reduced the pain. However, the people who were shown the picture of their romantic partner revealed higher brain activity in the caudate head, nucleus accumbens, lateral orbital cortex, amygdala, and dorsal prefrontal cortex (Younger et al. Viewing Pictures). However, no differences were found between the group of people using tinder or any other online dating agencies. According to Tsukamaya, more than 27 percent of young adults are involved in some kind of online dating sites where the most popular was Tinder and tinder-like dating sites. He found out that both adult males and females were involved in various kind of dating sites. The involvement on the dating sites is based on the reward system of the brain and the selection of potential partners is based on various attribution of a person. However, men are more likely than women to use dating sites to find casual sex partners. Whereas, women are far more likely to be afraid of meeting people online (Tsukamaya Online Dating).
Online dating offers a large pool of potential dates. Online dating sites, such as tinder, are globally increasing their business because this site is getting popular even in developing nations like India. These dating sites allow a person to make their account based on basic questions of heigStatistics: Posted by MarshallLester — Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:55 pm