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Posts: 115
Re: How to make a secure connection of the Internet?
If you've been following the news and are concerned about visual hacking — you're not alone. If you were to see our recent blog on visual hacking, then you know that there are a number of online and real-world threats that are simultaneously evolving at an alarming rate. What do I mean by visual hacking? Well, it's more than just phishing attacks. It's also when someone takes advantage of your network, application and security layers to gain access to sensitive information.
Posts: 122
Re: How to make a secure connection of the Internet?
Visual hacking is when someone attempts to gain unauthorized access to another person's computer or network by exploiting the fact that they are on their operating system. There are many reasons why this happens and I can suggest to read a good article about in order to prevent it in the future.
Posts: 8
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