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Incorporating Blueberries into a Dog's Diet - Practical Cons

by Yondwyono » Sun Jun 25, 2023 1:19 pm

Hi there. I've recently read about the numerous health benefits that blueberries can offer to dogs, and I am interested in incorporating them into my dog's diet. However, before I proceed, could you provide more advice on the safest and most effective ways to include blueberries in a dog's diet? Are there specific portions recommended based on the dog's size or age? Also, I understand that canned or sugared blueberries can be harmful to dogs, but could you provide more details on other forms or preparations of blueberries that should be avoided?
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Re: Incorporating Blueberries into a Dog's Diet - Practical

by Chamarina » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:11 pm

Incorporating blueberries into your dog's diet can be a healthy addition, given their high antioxidant content. However, a sense of proportion is crucial. The query can dogs have blueberries is best answered by considering the dog's size and age. Smaller dogs may do well with a few blueberries daily, whereas larger breeds can tolerate more.

It's vital to avoid canned or sugared blueberries, which contain unhealthy additives. Instead, opt for fresh or frozen blueberries, and wash thoroughly if non-organic to remove pesticide residues. Avoid blueberry-flavored foods or treats for dogs, as these can have artificial flavors and sugars. Blueberries, while beneficial, should complement a balanced diet and not replace essential nutrients. Before making significant changes to your pet's diet, always seek your vet's advice.
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