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I want to do stretching
I have been wanting to go to a stretching class for my body for a long time now. So tell me, what is the best thing to do to train at home on your own? Or should I go to a special stretching studio?
Posts: 16
Re: I want to do stretching
I've been doing stretching on my own at home for a long time, it helps with back pain. By the way, I watch lessons on my YouTube channel, where you can find lessons for beginners
Posts: 22
Re: I want to do stretching
If you are just starting in this direction, it is better to go straight to the stretching studio https://flexderek.com/en/stretchingonline/ All the same you will be working with your muscles, and if you do not do the exercise correctly and damage your muscles. It is better to work out with a trainer, then you can try it at home on your own.
Posts: 28
Re: I want to do stretching
Stretching is a good sport for body and soul. I also practice in the studio only yoga I like this sport the most. It's easy for a beginner to practice.
Posts: 23
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