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I want to dress nicely
Lately I have problems with the selection of clothes, I want to change my style. Advise fashion portals where I can find a look for myself
Posts: 28
Re: I want to dress nicely
You know it's best to go to a stylist, if you don't have an idea, he will give you a good look for you. It's spring and everybody wants to look good.
Posts: 20
Re: I want to dress nicely
Why go straight to a stylist, and even pay money for it. As a variation, you can go to the fashion portal https://trendytalks.pro/ There are a lot of interesting articles and pictures that will help you improve your style. I also have problems with choosing things, but I try to read more information on this subject
Posts: 16
Re: I want to dress nicely
Why dress for fashion? You should wear what you're comfortable in, not what's trendy. You know, you can't keep up with fashion these days, it's always changing.
Posts: 22
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