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Who does stretching?
I have been wanting to do sports for a long time, but I can't get too much stress on my body. So I'm thinking of trying stretching classes. What is the best way to start training?
Posts: 23
Re: Who does stretching?
Stretching is very good for the body and soul. I do it on my own, I watch lessons on YouTube, it works out very well, I feel great
Posts: 20
Re: Who does stretching?
If you are new in this direction, I recommend you to sign up in stretching studio https://flexderek.com/en/stretchingonline/ There you will be taught how to properlydash, and work with your muscles that would not harm yourself. I also like stretching, it is much better than heavy physical sports, and stretching tightens the body.
Posts: 28
Re: Who does stretching?
I like to do Pilates, it just helps to stretch your muscles and also to cope with stress. Stretching is very useful, I've been doing it for a long time.
Posts: 16
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