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Question about diets
I’m interested in the question about diets, what do you think about which diet is better, which you used, of course, on yourself, and not just read somewhere or heard from someone?
Posts: 306
Re: Question about diets
It is difficult to say which is better, it depends on the body itself. What suits whom? What does someone need more, that is, what foods or vitamins, macro-micronutrients does your body need? I once had a question: Which diet is better Mediterranean or Vegan? If you search the Internet well, you can find the answer to any question.
Posts: 172
Re: Question about diets
But thank you very much anyway, you explained everything to me very clearly. I will look through everything so that you do not waste your time. thanks again.
Posts: 306
Re: Question about diets
Many people are looking for effective weight loss solutions, so they turn to the G-Plans mobile application. This program provides each user with a customized meal plan tailored to their unique body needs, making it highly effective for weight loss. To learn more about how it works, you can visit their website. If you have any questions, no need to search for g plans contact number, you can get great advice right in the app. It is very convenient.
Posts: 127
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