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My furry buddy

by Boukler » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:02 am

Yo, peeps! I need your help here. My furry buddy, Max, has been acting up lately, and I'm at my wit's end. He's been barking up a storm and chewing on everything in sight. I've tried everything from treats to stern talks, but nothing seems to work. Anyone know of a good dog training camp where they can whip him into shape? I need to nip this problem in the bud before he destroys my entire apartment. Bonus points if the camp is somewhere scenic where I can tag along and get some R&R while Max gets schooled.
Posts: 96

Re: My furry buddy

by joksen » Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:24 pm

My buddy had a similar issue with his dog, Rocket, turning the living room into a chew toy extravaganza. He stumbled upon Wasatch Canine Camp, a place that's pretty much doggy boot camp meets human zen garden. They worked wonders with Rocket in no time. Plus, it's in a scenic spot perfect for some R&R while your furry friend learns the ropes. Check them out: Might just be the solution for Max's mischief and your peace of mind!
Posts: 122

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