Soda use associated with Diabetes in Europeans as well

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what is a daily 12 oz. can of soda linked with? Type 2 diabetes mellitus. That’s what a new European study reviewing the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages of over 27,000 people over 15 years found. Even when controlled for body weight and body mass index, the increased risk of diabetes from drinking one soda or other sweetened drink was 18%.


Granted, this research published in the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes isn’t an example of a controlled, blinded study that is far more convincing and accepted in medicine. Previous meta-analyses in the U.S. have found a 25% increased risk of diabetes in daily soda consumers. Surprisingly this study, conducted by the Imperial College of London, is the first European investigation to establish a link between sugary drink consumption and diabetes.


Let’s use this opportunity to review diabetes screening criteria which is covered on the ABIM exam. Currently, all individuals age 45 years and older are recommended by the American Diabetic Association to be screened every three years. Those with the following risk factors should have their fasting blood glucose, two-hour plasma glucose level, or hemoglobin A1c checked at closer intervals:


• Overweight or obese


• Physical inactivity


• Vascular disease


• Current disease of insulin resistance (e.g. Acanthosis nigricans)


• Polycystic ovarian syndrome


• Low HDL (<35mg/dL)


• Elevated triglycerides (>250md/gL)


• Hypertensive


• Member of high-risk ethnic group (African American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander)


• Previous history of gestational diabetes


• First degree relative with diabetes


Perhaps, if nothing else, the impact of the study will be to add daily soda consumption to this list.

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