Excited to announce the Knowmedge ABIM / USMLE Community on Google+
The Knowmedge team is excited to announce the creation of a new ABIM / USMLE Community on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/communities/103495304304122247711). We will be sharing questions, images, pearls, blog posts, and other items to help medical students and professionals be better prepared for their exams and in clinical practice.
The community will be moderated by Dr. Salim Rezaie (https://plus.google.com/117908596108692972115), a clinical assistant professor of Internal Medicine / Emergency Medicine at University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio (UTHSCSA) and a member of the Knowmedge team.
What is it?
A new Google plus community focused on high-yield questions, images, pearls and other helpful items to help students be prepared for their exam. You can join here: https://plus.google.com/communities/103495304304122247711
Who is in the community?
The community is open to anyone who is interested in medical education and being prepared for their medical exams. It will be moderated by Dr. Salim Rezaie and will rely on the community to provide additional pearls and help all students learn
When does it launch?
The official launch date for the community is Sept 1st, 2013 – Join now! https://plus.google.com/communities/103495304304122247711
Why should I join?
A google plus “community” is a way for those truly interested in a certain topic to come together and become part of a group. Unlike other social media platforms, a google community allows you to interact with only those that are also interested in similar subjects – in this case medical education and ABIM / USMLE exam prep. You can expect the Knowmedge team to provide high-yield images (like the one below), flowcharts and pearls to enhance your exam preparation!
How do I join?
Do you have a gmail account? Then it’s simple… set up a google plus account (https://plus.google.com) and click the community link to join. https://plus.google.com/communities/103495304304122247711. In addition, make sure you connect with the Knowmedge page as well: https://plus.google.com/101849723092687059265
Help us build an exciting new medical education community – Learn, Teach, Connect and Build your Knowmedge!