Internal Medicine Boards Focus: Dermatology

According to the ABIM Internal Medicine exam blueprint, Dermatology comprises ~3% of the exam. This week we kickoff our focus on Dermatology. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ as we begin to challenge your Dermatology Knowmedge! If you intend to focus on Dermatology this week, here’s our suggestion for starting out:


1.If you have subscribed to the Knowmedge qBank, spend some extra time this week on the Dermatology questions, concepts, and videos


2.In addition to following along on this blog, make sure to follow us on our other social media platforms where we will be posting Neurology pearls, images, and videos all week 3. Follow these great Dermatology education twitter handles In addition, below are some great sources we have begun compiling for great Dermatology medical education. This is by no means an exhaustive list and we’ll continue to update it as we learn of other great online Dermatology sources to help you prepare for the Internal Medicine Boards. Happy Studying! Sites to follow: We’re sure there are other great Dermatology sites and resources for general education and for ABIM Internal Medicine Board exam review – share with us, help us all learn and build our Knowmedge!

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