PANCE Prep Question of the Week: Nephrology

Try this week’s question of the week and follow us on twitter @Knowmedge for additional questions and pearls! This week’s theme: Nephrology #PAStudent

A 67-year-old man is recovering following an uncomplicated total hip arthroplasty. His past medical history is significant for hypertension and mild asthma. On postoperative day 2, he begins to note stiffness in his right leg. On exam, his right calf is noted to be swollen and slightly warmer than the left leg. The remainder of the exam is unremarkable. He is afebrile, and his vital signs are stable.

What diagnostic evaluation is most appropriate in this situation?

A Compression ultrasonography
B Contrast venography
C Contrast-enhanced MRI
D Lower extremity X-ray
E Serum B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) measurement

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