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First step into the world of the dissertation

by Ramass » Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:06 am

Hi. This is the first time in my life that I've taken on writing a marketing dissertation and I'm sincerely enjoying the challenge. And here's my thought: what is the best way to handle the structure of the paper? Do you have any tips or key points that should be included? Share your experience and enjoy this journey into the marketing world with me!
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Re: First step into the world of the dissertation

by FiaT » Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:09 am

Hi! It's so cool that you've taken on a marketing dissertation! It's a real marathon with positive feelings. As for the structure of the article, don't worry, because there are plenty of helpers on the Internet nowadays ready to lend a hand! Everything will work out, enjoy this marketing journey and give it fire!
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Re: First step into the world of the dissertation

by Ramass » Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:09 am

But honestly, I'm at a complete loss right now. I'm so curious about how to create a structure for my work - where do I start? What are the key points that absolutely must be included? Share your experience, please! Perhaps you have such experience or know someone who can help?
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Re: First step into the world of the dissertation

by FiaT » Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:17 am

I understand that you need help. A few years ago, when I first thought about writing a dissertation, I was also very confused. I didn't even know what topic to start with.
But then I was lucky enough to discover the Phdresearch service, which helped me choose the right topic, develop research methods, and even provided writing assistance based on my own research and findings.
There you will find not only support in choosing a topic and methods, but also a lot of useful materials to help you understand the process of writing a dissertation. If you have questions or need specific advice, you can always contact them.
In addition, here are links to sample dissertations that may be useful for you to study the structure and style: don't let yourself get too worried about this task. Writing a dissertation is a great adventure and can be a very exciting experience. The main thing is to start, and eventually you will succeed. I wish you inspiration and success in your research!
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