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20 Benefits of Health Medicinal from Tiger Nuts/ Cyperus Esc

by MarshallLester » Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:12 pm

20 Benefits of Health Medicinal from Tiger Nuts/ Cyperus Esculentus.

From creation, plants have been the source of medicine for our forefathers. They depend most on plants for all their health problems and treatment of both chronic and acute diseases. . Life is one and must be well lived. Care must be taken to take all precautionary measures in order to live long. Don't trade your health for anything as you can’t get it back. Most of our generations are taking all kinds of medicine just to maintain their skin and also their sexual desire. But all these medicines have side effects which are very harmful to our health. In our 21st century, the majority depends on chemical(orthodox) medicine to cure the diseases that have a lot of side effects. As people begin to research for what our forefathers used in curing diseases there has also been a growing demand on the medicinal plant. It’s caring to know that almost all the people are now resorting to plants for their daily medicinal use. Today our focus will be on TIGER NUTS/ CYPERUS ESCULENTUS / ATADWE. Tiger nuts/ atadwe/ yellow nutsedge and earth almond is a crop of the sedge family widespread across the world. It’s normally found in Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle East. They are not actually nuts, but rather edible tubers. They are the size of a chickpea but wrinkly with a chewy texture and sweet nutty flavor similar to coconut. Tiger nuts were first cultivated in Egypt as their traditional food and medicine. To make our article simple we have divided it into 2 sections .

· Nutritional content of Tiger Nuts/ Cyperus Esculentus / Atadwe

· 20 incredible health benefit of Tiger Nuts/ Cyperus Esculentus / Atadwe


Tiger nuts are regularly used in most parts of the world because of their mineral composition. It’s rich in antioxidants which has various health benefits. Even Though is called nuts it does not belong to the nut family. People with nut allergies can consume tiger nuts. Tiger nuts are brownish, yellowish and blackish in color.

Fiber 2-8 grams, Calories :103-122, Protein : 1 grams, Carbs: 9 grams, Fat: 7-10 grams, Vitamin E: 278%, Iron : 13-40% , Phosphorus: 9-11%, Vitamin C:2-9%, Magnesium : 7%, Zinc: 5-8%, Potassium 3-8%, Calcium : 1 %.


We mostly use Tiger nuts/ Atadwe in our home as a common snack food. This is because of the Ghanaian men believe they help them last longer in bed. They also believe it can boost sperm count. Furthermore, the health benefits of Tiger nuts or Atadwe are outrageous. We have a list of 20 health benefits of Tiger nuts. It might not be enough but it will help most of the readers.

Boost Libido(Sperm): Many men, most especially African believes that chewing or eating tiger nuts helps boost erectile dysfunction, sperm count and libido. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. This is mostly common in our technological era because of lack of exercise. Most of them have resorted to chemical drugs which will result in many side effects in future. My grandfather always mixed tiger nuts with ginger in addition to coconut milk then drank every morning.
2. It helps in Digestion: Tiger nuts are very high in fiber which aids in digestion. As a starchy root plant, it helps provide necessary ‘roughage’ to your diet. The fiber-rich food helps slow digestion , which allows the gut to process the food steadily. Sow and consistent digestion helps regulate the gut. It also gives a lot of time to absorb all the nutrients from the food. It helps the body to regulate bowel movement. It is highly recommended by those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other digestive complaints.

3. Source of Fiber: Fiber is an important part of nutrition, as it helps constantly feel full, maintain digestive health, lose weight , prevent heart disease and prevent diabetes. It contains 10 grams of fiber which provides almost half of our daily requirement. Tiger nut contains more fiber than many other recommended high-fiber foods.

4. It reduces Cholesterol: It is really important to stay healthy everyday. Tiger nuts help balance cholesterol levels by absorbing due to the fiber content.

5. Control Diabetes: Tiger nuts contain insoluble fiber which helps control blood sugar levels. Tiger nuts help keep blood sugar levels in check. This may be due to the high fiber content of the tubers which may slow down the absorption of the sugar in the gut.

6. Immune system booster: the Vitamin C in the tiger nut is good for the body immune system. It helps the immune system function well and is able to fight against bacteria. Tiger nuts contain potassium that enables your body to fight against disease. Tiger nuts contain antibacterial properties which actually helps the body to fight against invaders. Tiger nuts also contain Vitamin E and oleic acid which is also good for the body.

7. Improve Cardiovascular health: cardiovascular refers to the heart(cardio) and the blood vessels(vascular). It includes arteries , arterioles, capillaries, Heart and Venules. Tiger nuts help improve our cardiovascular health by lowering the bad cholesterol in our bloodstream. Tiger nuts contain 3-5 percent of potassium and other related minerals that are good to improve our cardio. This allows better flow of blood throughout our body and reduces the risk of blockage that can lead to a heart attack. The antioxidants help improve overall heart health thereby reducing the radical molecules in the body that damage the cells.

8. Good for the Skin: Tiger nuts contain Vitamin E which is very good for the skin. It helps against wrinkles and premature aging. This helps in keeping the skin healthy and strong.

9. Source of non-meat proteins: Protein is very important in our diet. Tiger nuts have high protein that helps in building the bone, cartilage, muscles, skin and other functions like a building block for enzymes, vitamins and other hormones in our body.

10. It helps in regulating Sugar level: Tiger nuts help in regulating sugar level due to the insoluble fiber content. It’s really good opr diabetic patients. Insoluble fiber is really essential for diabetic patients due to the fact that it does not cause ups and downs in the blood sugar levels. Tiger nuts are an essential source of obtaining protein from plants which is equal to the protein from whole wheat.

11. Helpful against malnutrition: Tiger nuts contain starch, good fiber content, magnesium, Vitamin C and E, copper, Iron, calcium etc that is a highly source of minerals in fighting malnutrition.

12. Improve Fertility: Tiger nuts are a very good source of Vitamin E which is very good for human fertility. Tiger nuts are very good at controlling women's menstruation.

13. Heal mouth and gum ulcer: Tiger nut has been the number medicine in treating mouth and gum ulcer. Vitamin C and omega 3 from it is the best solution to solve mouth problems such as gum sores. The anti-inflammatory in it will quickly help the healing process.

14. Dairy milk substitution: A lot of people are allergic to lactose in the dairy milk. In view of that they spend millions in getting a substitute in order to enjoy dairy milk. Tiger nuts milk contains high calcium, but low lactose and fat. Tiger nut milk can be substituted for the dairy milk .

15. Strengthen muscle: Tiger nuts contain natural magnesium which is very good for the muscle and nerve function. In addition, vegetable protein from tiger nuts is one of the non-meat proteins which are beneficial for muscle building.

16. Cure dry eyes: If ever suffered from dry eyes before then try chewing tiger nuts or drink tiger nut milk. Tiger nuts can be used as eye compress to relieve the dry feeling of the eye after working in front of a computer screen. The omega 3 in tiger nuts acts as an anti-inflammatory which is able to maintain eyes’ health.

17. Strengthen muscle: Tiger nuts also rich in natural magnesium which is very good for your muscle and nerve function. In addition, vegetable protein from tiger nuts is one of the non-meat proteins which are beneficial for muscle building.

18. Help to Sleep well: Tiger nuts help in solving insomnia that is been unable to sleep. Tiger nuts is believed to have available nutrient needed to fulfill body’s need. Consuming it or it milk enables the body to relax therefore given sound sleep.

19. Maintain healthy liver: The beneficial nutrients contained in tiger nuts are believed to be able to strengthen liver function. Because of its rich content of mono unsaturated fatty acids, Tiger nuts have anti inflammatory properties that protect important organs like the heart, liver and kidneys.

12. Stress relieve: Tiger nuts helps us to relieve tension. It basically have quality in helping us to be relaxed. One of the nutrients values of tiger nuts is Vitamin B1 which is able to control the nerve system well to relieve stress. Hence, besides solving the insomnia problem, the relaxed state of mind will definitely relieve our stress.

Precautions of using Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts are mentioned as a good source of dietary fiber. However, consuming an excessive amount of tiger nuts will lead to digestion problems such as bloating, and diarrhea. It is also mentioned that tiger nuts are not a low calories food. Therefore, although they can be used for your diet, they need to be completed with the other healthy nutritional food if you don’t want to gain weight. Besides, make sure to guarantee the hygiene of the nuts and soaked it into water for about 12 hours to make sure that it is edible.
Posts: 117

Re: 20 Benefits of Health Medicinal from Tiger Nuts/ Cyperus

by PiterWon » Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:53 pm

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Posts: 119

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